Many people don't do what they want. Many people will never do what they want. We don't want to be those people. We may end up being those people, and that will be ok but we wont become them without trying our damndest not to be them. Don't get me wrong, we like those people. We just need to know we tried.
So, we don't want that, fine, but what do we want? We want simplicity. We want what seems a dream. Not just any dream for that matter, a distant, heat-haze filled beautiful azure blur-blue of a dream. We want to see the world from top to bottom, around cancer and capricorn, from white through brown, blue, yellow and green only to be back at white again but upside down. We want our names etched on compass points and whilst it's needle turns we're busy creating and helping in equal measure.

You can snigger, you can guffaw into your pessimistic grey coffee mug at work, complete with mouldy tapioca coloured luke warm liquid and suibtable ash coloured 'lifes a bitch' slogan on the side. You can ignore it and pass it off as an unobtainable goal. We know more, we know that without trying you can't succeed, and if you never try, you'll never succeed. We have a long way to go, we know that, we have an uphill slog-jog through syrup and treacle before we even begin to turn the cogs, but, we have researched, we have started to gather information, we have spied. We haven't found out much yet but we have found where we can get the oil that will make twist-turning those cobwebbed cogs a little easier when we get there. Yes, that's right, we're dusting off the dashboard and removing the rust from the shit littered levers, and we are ready to begin.

From a seed grows a tree, a kola nut tree, and that tree bears the bounty of a fruitful harvest of day-dreaming fruit, which, in turn ignited an idea. As said above we have a long way to go but we are determined and if history teaches anything, it is that determination should never be underestimated nor dreams dashed.
As I sit here writing this first blog post, hoping with my eyes occasionally closed that it will be one of many far flung flittering blog posts from around the world. I continue to dream but whilst my heads in the clouds my feet are firmly on the floor and my eyes on the prize and on the door. I continue to write this for two reasons. One, is practical, to simply test the new blogs settings and design layout and two, less practical but just as important is to inspire us to soldier on through the darker more dimly lit portions of the preparation, and with reason two in mind, here are a couple of quotes to keep us on track and undefeated.
'If you don't follow your dream, who will?'
- Emeril Lagasse
'All our dreams can come true...if we have the courage to pursue them.' - Walt Disney
'You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into one.' -
Henry D. Thoreau
I must stop writing this now, there is so much to do but mark my words we're dusting off the dashboard and removing the rust
from the shit littered levers, and we are ready to begin.
"Where to?" you ask in a hushed breath leaning in for the answer...
'To unpathed waters, undreamed shores' - William Shakespear